Fire Water Tanks / Factory Mutual Tanks / NFPA Tanks
International Tank Service is your water storage tank solution. We have been in business building and servicing fire water tanks since 1977. Our services include new water storage tanks, water tank repairs, consulting, new tank bottoms, cone roofs, floating roofs, shell rings, and ladders. International Tank Service specializes in tank jacking and leveling. We can even move your tank. Since 1977 International Tank Service has constructed over 330 Aboveground Tanks ranging in size from thirty thousand gallons to six million gallons.
International Tank Service designs, fabricates and builds fire protection tanks, pump suction tanks, and reservoirs for bulk water storage. Our tanks serve commercial, industrial, and municipal applications. Each of our water tanks are designs to your custom needs and specifications. Whether it is the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Factory Mutual (FM), American Water Works Association (AWWA), or API 650 we are equipped to design and build each type of water tank.
In addition to designing and building your water tank International Tank Service designs and builds tank foundations for indoor or outdoor applications. We also do API 653 Tank Inspections and API 653 Tank Repairs and Modifications.